Thundercats are on the loose...
Had to add this overheard. It had to be San Diego...
12PM Lunch
Food service worker: What type of soda would you like today?
Female customer: Large.
Food service worker: Yes, mam'm. But what type or flavor did you want?
Female customer: I said large.
Food service worker: Yes, mam'm. Diet Coke? Sprite? Coke? What type?
Female customer: Are you fucking stupid or something? Large. A large soda. How many times do I have to tell you?
San Diego Mall Food Court
San Diego, California
Ah, people are so sweet.
Nessa, at
martes, 30 de mayo de 2006, 5:45:00 p.m. GMT-7
This is great!! Carry a recorder, transcribe and give us a play button! Be great!
viernes, 18 de agosto de 2006, 11:47:00 p.m. GMT-7
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